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Inauguration of Wall Magazine: Spectrum 2022 || Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

The yearly wall magazine of the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Siliguri Institute of Technology was inaugurated by the honorable principal of SIT, Dr. Mithun chakraborty on 13th may, 2022. The topic of the wall magazine this year was ‘Recent Trends in Science and Technology”. This project has been a combined effort of the students and faculty members of the department. The aim of the wall magazine project is to get the students actively involved with the subject and to develop their skills outside the classroom.
The topic was chosen as “Recent Trends in Science and Technology’ to spread awareness among the students about current technologies like Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality and augmented reality. The exercise of the wall magazine is taken up to give the students a platform to showcase their creative talents.

Friday, 13th May 2022