Placement Records

Placement Records

Batch/Placement Year No. of students appeared No. of students placed Percentage
2023 378 321 84.92
2022 348 247 70.98
2021 356 187 52.53

Placement 2022 & 2023

CTC range (Lakhs PA) No. of students % of total placment population
03--05 366 64.44
05--10 187 32.92
10--15 10 1.76
>15 5 0.88

Average Package - 5.27 LPA for 2023 PO students


Recruiter Details (top 5 by number of students placed) 2023

SN Recruiter Name Number of students placed CTC offered
1 Capgemini 47 4 LPA
2 Virtusa 18 4.5 LPA
3 TCS Ninja 21 3.36 LPA
4 LTI / Hexaware 12 4 LPA
5 EY 9 4.85 LPA

Recruiter Details (top 5 by CTC offered) 2023

SN Recruiter Name Number of students placed CTC offered
1 Amazon 1 47 LPA
2 Informatica 1 21 LPA
3 Eubrics 2 15 LPA
4 Thoughtworks 2 12 LPA
5 Dell Technologies 3 10 LPA