Women's Grievance Redressal Committee

♦ Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee ♦
Siliguri Institute of Technology

Email: wgrc@sittechno.edu.in

 • Members List

Ms. Santana Guha, Asstt. Prof.

Advisory Members
All Academic Coordinators
All HODs
Joint Coordinators
Mrs. Sathi Ball, Asstt. Prof.
Mrs. Paramita Chowdhury, Asstt. Prof.
Mrs. Anindita Sinha, Asstt. Prof.
Mrs. Debarati Mitra, Asstt. Prof.
Mrs. Sucharita Das, Asstt. Prof.

Mrs. Mandobi Banerjee, Asstt. Prof.
Mrs. Priyanka Nandi, TA
Mrs. Moushumi Das, TA
Mrs. Gargi Bhattacharyya, TA
Invitee Members
Mr. Rajeeb Chetri, Asstt. Prof.
Mr. Sujit Chatterjee, Asstt. Manager- HR & Admin
Mr. Sayandeb Roy, Advocate
Mr. Suvatu Ghatak, Uttarer Dishari, SSO Representative
 • Guidelines
  1. To publicize the existence of the committee as nodal point of reporting of any sexual harassment of girls students, lady staff and faculty members.
  2. Organizing awareness programmes, inviting speakers from outside.
  3. Receiving calls and reports from harassed girls/lady and prima facie investigation to collect evidence of harassment.
  4. Reporting to Principal for bigger investigation (internal/external) and punitive actions.
  5. Maintain appropriate data and record