Department of Engineering Sciences and Humanities (DESH)

Message from Head of the Department

The Department of Engineering Sciences and Humanities (DESH) of Siliguri Institute of Technology provides the common foundational course covering basic sciences and humanities to the B.Tech 1st year students. The Department consists of different subjects of studies namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering (Mechanical) and Humanities (English) and Biological Sciences. The Department also provides the support for the science and humanities papers for higher semesters both in B.Tech and MBA program. Qualified faculty members of the department have been making their constant efforts to improve the student’s knowledge in fundamental principles and understanding of basic sciences. Besides academics, the department also participates in the development of student’s communication and soft skills to boost them in the competitive environment. The DESH team is also ready to provide the value education and build up the basic knowledge of science among the students which enhanced the understanding of the basic knowledge of engineering. The department also understands that the high-quality infrastructure promotes improved teaching and increases learning outcomes which are ensured in the department with number of class rooms, ICT enabled smart class room, departmental library, well quipped laboratories such as physics laboratory, chemistry laboratory, Auto CAD laboratory, mechanical workshop and state of art language laboratory. The English Language Laboratory caters to develop the LSRW skills of the students and face the world with confidence and develop team spirit. With the aid of ISILS software as designed by Skill Junction from the Centre for Advanced Communication step II of IIT Kharagpur, language laboratory guides the students learn in an easy way through interactive audio visual aids. The department of Engineering Sciences and Humanities under the proper value of infrastructure and committed to provide the value education to the students.

Dr. Jayanta Dutta




Facts and Figures
Number of Laboratories: 06 (Six)
Year wise Coordinators:
Name of the Class Coordinator
Section A
Ms. Rimni Chakravarty
Section b
Mr. Soumendu Golui
Section C
Mr. Rajeeb Chetri
Section D
Dr. Samit Ghosh
Section E
Mr. Hrishikesh Roy

Events Organized

02 (Two)





Physics Laboratory:

Siliguri Institute of Technology has a well equipped Physics Laboratory complete with modern equipments to conduct experiments on Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and General Physics aimed at exposing the young would be engineers to the fascinating domain of experimental physics to enhance their engineering acumen and put a right step towards their industry readiness. Though the well structured syllabus of Engineering Physics Lab prescribed by MAKAUT, the students not only learn, share and interact cohesively in the laboratory environment which in turn attributes to their lifelong learning skills, such studies also generate fundamental knowledge required for future technological advances.

Chemistry Laboratory:

The main objective of Chemistry Laboratory is to furnish the conceptual understanding of the basic principles involved in chemical analysis. Most of the experiments are correlated to the theoretical concepts. This course lays the foundation of certain basic concepts and skills that can be repeatedly employed by the students in their future endeavors. This course also helps to improve the scientific temper of the students to conduct the various experiments.


Engineering Graphics & Design Laboratory:

Engineering drawing and Design is a prime subject in any Engineering curriculum. It is about graphical Language used by engineers. Engineering drawing is a two dimensional representation of three-dimensional objects. In general, it provides necessary information about the shape, size, surface quality, material, manufacturing process, etc., of the object.

It is the graphic language from which a trained person can visualise objects. Engineering Drawing and Design Labs aims engineers to prepare them with appropriate knowledge of drawing and designs of geometrical patterns, objects and 3-D structures. They learn to construct the various magnificent mega structures or intricate machines. Technical drawing is the language of engineering and is, therefore, indispensable today.

At SIT we have well equipped Engineering Graphics & Design Lab which provides exposure to sheet drawings as well as computer-oriented graphics & design to students.



Mechanical Workshop: 

Workshop Technology is the core of learning about different Materials, equipment, tools and manufacturing practices that are observed in different manufacturing functions and operations in the field of Engineering. Workshop is also of prime importance when you want to gather about the practical knowledge.
At SIT we have a well-equipped workshop practice lab which helps to develop and enhance relevant technical hand skills required for the studentsto work in the various engineering industries and workshops.


Language Laboratory:

The department boasts of the state of the art Language and Multimedia Interactive Laboratory set up by STEP – IIT Kharagpur
• Prepares students to face the real life situation of cooperation, competition and communication through role plays, pair work, individual tasks and alumni interaction
• The laboratory caters to approximately 600-700 students in a calendar year in honing four basic language skills (LSRW) through practice


Download -  Department of Engineering Sciences & Humanities Notice & Miscellaneous B. Tech (Engineering & Technology) - 1st year Curriculum Structure Quiz on Engineers Day Workshop by NAAC Chairman Games & Sports Notice Message of BARC_1 Message of BARC_2